Francesco Ciccolella

Francesco Ciccolella is one of the most internationally acclaimed Austrian illustrators of his generation. He lives and works in Vienna. His clients include media and brands from around the world, such as The Guardian, Die Zeit, Die Welt, Der Spiegel, The New York Times, Penguin Random House, Google or IBM. Ciccolella’s illustrations tell stories, convey ideas and condense complex themes into pithy, visual metaphors. In self-initiated projects, experimental works and exhibitions Ciccolella explores the medium of illustration off the beaten track of commercial contents and formulates visual comments on socially relevant issues and current events.

from £50.00
from £50.00
from £50.00
from £50.00
from £50.00
from £50.00
from £50.00
from £50.00
from £50.00
from £50.00
from £50.00
from £50.00
from £50.00
from £50.00
from £50.00
from £50.00
from £50.00