Rear Window: Leon Edler

Welcome to the first in the Rear Window series. While we are all forced to stay shut away inside, RoomFifty thought it would be fun to virtually visit and take a look at some of the art and pets that are in our friends’ and artists’ houses. 

In the first of the series, we've asked Leon Edler, co-founder of RoomFifty, to leave his makeshift home office, stretch his legs, and show us his walls

Tiger with boy - Greg Clarke
This is an original pen and watercolour by Greg Clarke. Greg has always been one of my favourite artists so I asked him if I could afford to buy an original back in 2015. He said he’d be happy to do a straight swap for some of my work so we both picked a couple of things that we liked and sent them to each other. I did a lot better out of the deal.


This was the first RoomFifty poster that Chris Clarke (another co-founder of RoomFifty) designed. You can’t get an idea of scale in the pic, but it’s massive and looks gorgeous. Although Chris looks like a Victorian doll, he’s one hell of a designer and one of my best friends.

We moved to Leeds in August, but this hangs in our kitchen and reminds us of Brighton. It’s by Mike Furniss, who is a friend of a friend.

A classic Season 1 RoomFifty print by Francesco Ciccolella

A big uddery cow by Nishant Choksi. I shared a studio with Nish for 9 years and he taught me so much – giving me horribly honest feedback and loads of generous time and advice. He’s a total boss. I can also see a devil’s head in this but I’ve never remembered to ask him if that’s intentional.

When we were moving up north, my friend Kate Osborne painted us this amazing Yorkshire chicken. Her ability to create perfect plants and animals with big confident splodges of colour bends my mind.

This limited edition Barsotti was a leaving gift from my studio mates in Brighton. Barsotti is a really big influence on my work – the humour, economy etc. I absolutely LOVE this print and was the inspiration for the little RoomFifty mascot.

Mabel was the star of a fictional series in a Danish magazine a few years back and Lesley Mackenzie did original paintings of her for each one. We have about 10 paintings of her around the house, so we look insane, but I love them and this is my favourite. Lesley, as well as being an amazing artist, is very warm and loving and funny.

I went to the American Illustration do a couple of years ago in New York. It was weird and I drank too much, but I also went to Steve Powers’ shop in Brooklyn and bought this print. I couldn’t decide between this and another one and until I got it out of the tube last December, I thought I’d bought the other one. I’m surprised I went for something this earnest, but I still really like it.

My wife bought me this just after our twins were born. I don’t know anything about it or the artist, but it’s total class and makes me feel very loving.

I bought this from a poster shop in Copenhagen after seeing it in the Design Museum. I think it’s about single mothers? We were visiting Lesley (who painted Mabel) and her partner Flemming. Julia, my daughter, screamed the house down every night, and they pretended every morning that they hadn’t heard it.

This is a huge pair of model aeroplane wings that I bought at an auction for about £20. Someone had given up on the project and sold these with the rest of the plane. I thought the wings were beautiful and threw the body of the plane in a skip.

Yolanda and I bought this big pussy on the Charing Cross road when we first moved in together 12 years ago. It has lived every where with us.

No one doesn’t love this print by Sarah Mazzetti. We have it in our bedroom. It’s busy and calming. 

Thanks so much to Leon for letting us snoop about

If you would like to share your Rear Window view of your house, send photos and a few lines about each piece to