A Soap Impression – The Beatles

A Soap Impression is a Celebration of the Beatles featuring over 30 limited-edition prints, t-shirts, posters and postcards by artists from all over the world.

The collection, exclusive to RoomFifty, is titled 'A Soap Impression' after a lyric from The Beatles’ Happiness is a Warm Gun. 'After 60 years, they are as popular as ever', says curator Leon Edler. 'And it’s not just their music. People love them, their lives, their history and their image. They are such a good subject for art and a tonic in bad times. The Beatles are as inspiring to artists as they are to musicians. We thought it was a good time to celebrate that’.

We hope you will enjoy the show...
Regular price £30.00
Regular price £30.00
Regular price £30.00
Regular price £30.00
Regular price £30.00
Regular price £30.00
Regular price £30.00
Regular price £30.00
Regular price £30.00
Regular price £35.00
Regular price £30.00
Regular price £30.00
Regular price £30.00